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2024 MSBA Annual Conference

in Cooperation with MASA & MoASBO

Education Expo

Crown Center Exhibit Hall


Welcome Reception: October 17, 2024

Education Expo: October 18, 2024


It is the goal of the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) and the Crown Center Exhibit Hall to provide its Expo vendors a fantastic opportunity to meet with MSBA’s members and guests in a safe environment that is conducive to business. With that in mind, the following rules, regulations, and specifications are presented so that you will know beforehand what is expected by MSBA and the Crown Center. We look forward to working with you this year and for many years to come.

RULES AND REGULATIONS Applicants for exhibit space are required to read, complete, and sign the Exhibit Application Contract before submitting it to MSBA. The rules and regulations in this document are incorporated by reference into the contract. Submission of a signed contract constitutes agreement on the part of the vendor. MSBA reserves the right to render all interpretations and decisions, should questions arise, and to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary to the general success and well-being of the conference. Exhibit management decisions and interpretations by MSBA shall be accepted as final in all cases.


  • Exhibit booths are 10’ x 10’ with an 8’ draped backdrop and 36” draped side rail dividers.
  • Booth rentals include one 8’ table, two side chairs, a booth identification sign, and four exhibitor security badges. (Additional security badges are available for $25 each.)
  • Fern Exposition Services and Harvest Productions are the contracted providers of all services connected to the Education Expo.  Exhibitors will receive information from them regarding setting up booth space, shipping, electrical & Wi-Fi connections, change orders for booth furnishing, and booth teardown.
  • *Single booth price is $1,000.
  • Buses, trucks, trailers, and other motorized displays will set up on Wednesday, October 16th between Noon – 4:00 p.m. Special instructions will be sent upon registration.
  • All other vendors will set up on Thursday, October 17th between 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. or Friday, October 18th between 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
  • NOTE: There will be a hosted Welcome Reception for all attendees in the Expo Hall on Thursday, October 17th between 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. Sponsorships will be available for vendors to provide curated a la carte foods and/or beverages in their booth spaces during the Thursday evening reception.  At the conclusion of this form, you will be directed to your registration form.  Please indicate your interest in the appropriate box on that form if you are interested in hosting a part of the reception in your booth area. Details will be sent upon confirmation of your registration.
  • *MSBA Partners, Associate, and Affiliate Members receive a $100 discount on each single booth space reserved, on the curated a la carte food stations, and on conference advertising.

    CANCELLATIONS A $100 service fee will be charged on all booth cancellations. Refunds (less the $100 service fee) will be made only if MSBA is notified in writing by mail or email by October 4, 2024. After that date, no refunds will be given. This cancellation policy applies to all exhibitors.

    CONDUCT AND CHARACTER OF EXHIBIT Vendors, products, programs, and services shall be consistent with the promotion of public education and MSBA. MSBA reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit that, in its judgment, is out of keeping with the character of the exhibition. This reservation is all-inclusive as to persons, things, printed matter, products and conduct. In keeping with MSBA’s determination to provide the best possible atmosphere, each exhibitor agrees as follows:

  • To keep and display only products of its own manufacture or supply.
  • To display products and services in a tasteful manner.

    DISTRIBUTION OF MERCHANDISE Exhibitors may show, discuss, explain, and demonstrate items or services but may not make sales that result in the exchange of merchandise or money in the Expo Hall. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc. are permitted only within the exhibit space or other properly designated areas. MSBA will not permit non-exhibitors to canvass, solicit, confer, or distribute literature or other promotional devices during the exposition. Exhibitors engaging in objectionable practices shall be subject to eviction without a refund.

    EXCLUSIVE USE OF SPACE No exhibitor may assign, sublet, or apportion its space in whole or part, nor exhibit any products or services other than those manufactured or handled in the normal course of its business, nor permit any agent of any non-exhibiting firm to solicit business in the contracted space. MSBA reserves the right to make all decisions concerning exceptions or charge full booth rental fees to each company in violation.

    EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Friday, October 18, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (but closed during First General Session -- 11 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m.)

    EXHIBITOR BOOTH TEAR-DOWN Exhibitors shall not initiate tear-down or packing, nor shall they abandon their exhibit booth space before closing of the Education Expo at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 18.  In the event an Exhibitor begins tear-down before the close of the Expo, the Exhibitor will be in non-compliance and may be assessed an early breakdown fee of $250 and may be refused the right to exhibit at future MSBA events.

    FOOD VENDORS All exhibitors providing food samples will be required to register with the Kansas City Health Department Food Protection Program. The Temporary Food Permit Application is available here and must be completed as a part of your registration to participate in the Education Expo.

    NONDISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT MSBA is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and MSBA staff and free of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment. If an exhibitor experiences harassment or hears of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, MSBA asks that you inform MSBA Director of Event Production & Communications, Bree Anderson at anderson@mosba.org or Chief Relationship Officer Sharon Horbyk at horbyk@mosba.org so appropriate action can be taken.

    If an exhibitor engages in unacceptable behavior as described in these rules, MSBA reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal of the exhibitor from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and MSBA reserves the right to prohibit participation at any future meeting, virtually or in person.

    Unacceptable Behavior is defined as:

  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.
  • Disruption of presentations during sessions, in the Exhibit Hall, or at other events organized by MSBA throughout the conference. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator at any MSBA event.
  • Verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, MSBA staff member, or service provider.
    • Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or threatening or stalking any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, MSBA staff member, or service provider.

      INSURANCE Exhibitors represent that they and any agents or independent contractors they may employ are insured with comprehensive liability insurance, with coverage of at least $1,000,000 per claim for all claims arising out of an act or occurrence that an exhibitor or any agent of any independent contractor they employ may become legally obligated to pay. Under no circumstances is MSBA, the Crown Center Exhibit Hall, or any of their respective parents, affiliates, shareholders, employees, agents, offers, directors, successors and assigns (collectively referred to as the “Event Providers”) be liable for lost profits or other indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages for any of their acts or omissions in connection with the Event, whether or not such Event Provider has been apprised of the possibility of such damages or lost profits. In no event will MSBA’s liability hereunder, or otherwise in connection with the Event, exceed the amount actually paid to it by the Exhibitor for the space. MSBA is not liable for any errors in any listing or descriptions or for omitting exhibitors from the Event show guide or other materials.

      PAYMENT DEADLINE Full payment for exhibit space must be made by October 4, 2024. Any exhibitor who fails to make payments when due expressly waives all rights to use of assigned space, and MSBA shall have full right to consider this agreement terminated and to lease that space to another exhibitor. Exhibiting companies who fail to occupy their exhibit space are not relieved of their obligation to pay the full booth rental price.

      Please make a copy of these rules and regulations for your records.


      Below are the regulations stipulated by the Crown Center Exhibit Hall.


Crown Center Exhibit Hall Regulations

  1. Liability: The Crown Center Redevelopment Corporation (CCRC) is not responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the Exhibitor, the Exhibitor’s Agent, employees or property, or to any other person’s property, prior, during or subsequent to the period covered by the exhibit contract, provided said injury, loss or damage is not caused by willful negligence of an employee of CCRC. Each Exhibitor expressly releases CCRC from such liabilities and agrees to indemnify CCRC against all claims for such injury, loss or damage.


  2. Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in the Crown Center Exhibit Hall except in designated areas marked throughout the facility.


  3. Miscellaneous: Holes may not be drilled, cored or punched in the building. Painting of materials, objects, etc. is not allowed in the Crown Center Exhibit Hall.


  4. Recording: No visual or audio recording of any type or kind shall be made in the Crown Center Exhibit Hall without the prior written approval of the Crown Center. The Crown Center reserves the right to impose an additional charge for that privilege.


  5. Waste Materials: Under no circumstances may grease or other waste material be poured into drains. Grease or other hazardous material must be removed by the client in proper containers in accordance with applicable regulations and ordinances.


  6. Motorized Vehicles: All cars, trucks, combustion engines, or other types of fuel-powered engines on display must have the least amount of fuel possible (between 1/8th of a tank and empty). The gas cap must be of a locking type or taped to prevent leakage of fumes from the tank. Battery cables must be disconnected. Vehicles may not be started, run or moved during event hours. Transfer of fuel must be accomplished outside the building. All parked vehicles must have plastic under same for oil and grease protection.
    Combustion engines may not be operated on the Exhibit floor. All gasoline tanks must be empty and taped shut and must comply with KCMO Fire Codes.
    Do not spray silicone on wheels.


  7. Electrical: All electrical cords must be grounded and at least 16-gauge wire without exception. No “3fers” or “cube tabs” will be allowed. Only UL-approved power strips with fuses no larger than 15 amps, or circuit breakers no larger than 15 amps, will be allowed.
    Electrical connections must be made by qualified electricians contracted through the George E Fern Company. No electrical cords may pass through the egress area.


  8. Doors: Exterior and loading dock doors may not be propped open without prior authorization from the Crown Center Exhibit Hall Manager. Under no circumstances may automatic-closing devices be removed or tampered with. Crown Center requires the customer to hire security personnel to monitor all doors, exits and loading dock areas anytime the customer requires Crown Center to open any door or overhead door, including, but not exclusive to, show move-in, show move-out, and the actual show.


  9. Right to Inspect: Crown Center’s Exhibit Hall Manager reserves the right to inspect any carton, container, briefcase, luggage or package brought into or taken out of the Exhibit Hall.


  10. Freight/Deliveries/Equipment:
    *Access for deliveries: No loading or unloading through the front doors of the building. Parking at the dock is permitted for loading and unloading only. All other parking is prohibited. Violators will be towed at their expense. No parking at any time is permitted in the fire lanes.
    *Freight: Crown Center will not accept any shipments of freight and/or materials for any event or exhibitor. All freight shipments must be consigned to Fern Exposition Services. Crown Center accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or security of such shipments.
    *Storage: Crown Center has no facilities for the storage of exhibits. All shipments for an exhibit must be directed to Fern Exposition Services.
    *Exhibitor Equipment: All equipment, decorations, freight, etc. must be removed from the premises at the expiration of the License Agreement. Items left beyond this time will be treated as abandoned equipment.
    *Crate Storage: There is no room in the Crown Center Exhibit Hall for crate storage. Crates will not be allowed to block doorways and exits. Crate storage must be coordinated through Fern Exposition Services.


  11. Adhesives: Adhesive-backed stickers or decals may not be given out by exhibitors, distributed or used in the building.


  12. Signs/Banners: All hanging signs must conform to show management rules and regulations and ceiling limitations. All pre-assembly of hanging signs and trusses must be done by Fern Exposition Services. All hanging signs and trusses must be hung by Fern Exposition Services. Crown Center reserves the right to refuse to allow the hanging of any sign and truss it deems unsafe.


  13. Balloons: Helium-filled balloons will be permitted in the building if helium tanks are chained to something solid, approved by the KCMO Fire Marshal, and if you will assume written responsibility for removal of same. A base removal fee of $25, plus $10 per balloon, will be charged for all balloons left in the ceiling area after your event.


  14. Tape: Exhibitors are responsible for the removal of all tape and residue marks. No paint, tape or tape residue should remain on the show floor after move-out is completed.


  15. Landscaping Products: Dirt, sand, mulch or any other landscaping product may not, for any reason, be shoveled onto or otherwise be placed directly on the concrete floor of the Exhibition Hall. Protective plastic must be used underneath all such products at all times, and in all locations. All planting, fountains, etc. must have waterproof plastic material underneath. All landscaping products, material and décor must be in compliance with KCMO Fire Codes.


  16. Services: Crown Center and Fern Exposition Services will be the exclusive provider of the following services: telephone, electricity, telecommunications, water and air.
  • Fire Codes:
    *No fire suppression equipment shall be obstructed or concealed.
    *All decorative material, including drapes and fabric-covered displays, must be fire retardant. Fire-retardant certificates must be displayed or attached.
    *Use of any open flame must be in compliance and approved by the KCMO Fire Marshal and Crown Center.
    *All tank cylinders are to be secured and must comply with KCMO Fire Codes, and approved by the KCMO Fire Marshal.
    ALL EMERGENCY FIRE EXITS must be free of obstructions permitting egress at all times in case of emergency.
    *No combustible materials (i.e. hay, straw, excelsior, corn shocks, firewood, and live or dead needle-producing trees) will be allowed in the building.
    *No structure shall be constructed or brought into the Exhibition Hall with an enclosed roof area of 100 square feet or greater. All structures must be approved by the KCMO Fire Marshal.



Please make a copy of these rules and regulations for your records (Ctrl+P). 

Acceptance Terms for Expo Exhibitors

I have read and accept all terms of the rules and regulations for MSBA’s 2024 Education Expo.
